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From Summer 2021, Relationships Education will be compulsory for all pupils receiving primary education. In September 2022 we changed our Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) and Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) Curriculum to the 'Kapow' PSHE curriculum. Alongside this we also meet the needs of our children through responsive lessons, theme days/weeks and also throughout assemblies/collective worship and cross curricular learning. This therefore means we are about to embark on a new consultation for RSE and would value your views. 

Consultation period

During the consultation period, we will send a Parent Hub message with a link to our website. This will provide an opportunity for parents and families to familiarise themselves with what we teach the children, what is statutory and the sex education that can be withdrawn from. 

A link to a Google Form will be available for you to share any views you may have and also an opportunity to meet Mrs Aka and view any resources will also be available. 

Every effort will be taken to incorporate parent and family views into the final policy and scheme of work, however we are bound by what is statutory and what is recommended.

Children cannot be withdrawn from any statutory lessons, however they can be withdrawn from two lessons in Year 6 which include learning about Conception and Pregnancy and Birth. If you wish to withdraw your children from these lessons we ask that you complete the withdrawal form (below) and return it to the school office. 


Will I know When my child will learn about Sensitive Topics?

A message will be sent out before lessons are taught on sensitive topics such as:

Appropriate contact: My private parts (in Year 2) - this is not statutory however we would highly recommend your child attending this lesson due to safeguarding and keeping safe. This will also support their prior knowledge for statutory lessons as they move through school. 

Appropriate contact: My private parts are private (in Year 2) - this is not statutory however we would highly recommend your child attending this lesson due to safeguarding and keeping safe. This will also support their prior knowledge for statutory lessons as they move through school. 

Introducing Puberty (in Year 4) this is statutory. 

Puberty (in Year 5) this is statutory. 

Menstruation (in Year 5) this is statutory. 

Emotional changes in puberty (Year 5) this is statutory. 

Conception (in Year 6) - Parents can withdraw from part of this lesson.

Pregnancy and birth (in Year 6) - Parents can withdraw from this lesson. 

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